For a complete list of publications take a look at my CV or my Google Scholar profile.

Refereed 1st-author publications

Carina High-Contrast Imaging Project for massive Stars (CHIPS) II. O stars in Trumpler 14

A&A 658, A198 (2022). DOI: arXiV

Carina High-Contrast Imaging Project for massive Stars (CHIPS) I. Methodology and proof of concept on QZ Car (=HD93206)

A&A 640, A15 (2020). DOI: arXiV

Refereed Co-author publications

Probing the low-mass end of the companion mass function for O-type stars

A&A in pub. (2022). DOI: arXiV

Non-refereed 1st-author publications

CHIPS: The Carina High-contrast Imaging Project of massive Stars.

Conference proceeding for the EWASS 2019 conference panel title: “Stellar multiplicity in the Gaia era: where do we stand?”. Lyon, France. Memorie della Societa Astronomica Italiana, Vol.90, 366, 2019

Poster proceeding for the Symposium in Auckland, NZ. IAUS 329 Proceedings, Auckland, New-Zealand, 2016

Other publications

Conference proceeding for Obs. Skalnate Pleso, CZ by M. Reggiani, A. Rainot and H. Sana. Contrib. Astron. Obs. Skalnate Pleso, CZ, 2020

PhD Thesis

High Contrast Imaging of Massive Stars , KU Leuven. Supervisors: Prof. Dr. Hugues Sana, Dr. Maddalena Reggiani
